Category: River Access

Castleton struggles to get access to its waterfront park – for 28 years

Lori Van Buren/Times Union
Castleton is in the news! COHMSA’s public meeting on safe access to Riverfront Park last Friday was very successful. Featuring dynamic expert speakers and videos, the nearly 80 attendees (including those online) engaged in an interactive question and answer period that was educational and inspirational. A reporter from the Times Union took interest in the story, for which we are grateful. Please enjoy, don’t hesitate to ask questions, and join us for our next event. Stay tuned! https://www.timesunion.com/…/castleton-waterfront-park…


Dozens pack the local firehouse to learn about modern ways to safely cross the tracks. Download the full press release HERE.

Can’t make it in person? Join us by Zoom:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

At Grade Safe Pedestrian River Access

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Another successful annual sweep, with 27 volunteers who collected 665 lbs. of trash and recyclables. We removed and gathered massive amounts of brush, scrub trees and other undesirable growth that was obstructing views of the river and access to the beaches on either side of Riverfront Park. The most common trash item collected were candy wrappers. The most unusual of the sweep were a family of baby bunnies who scattered when their brush was disturbed but they were gathered and replaced and marked with a Do Not Disturb sign.

A tremendous Thank you to all the volunteers and their effort, the support of the Village of Castleton leadership, the Department of Public Works. Additionally we would like to thank American Rivers and Home Depot for their donations.

Andrea Marvinney and Suzanne Cecala were coleaders who worked closely with Riverkeeper to set up and organize the cleanup. Please visit Riverkeeper and show your support of the important work that they do safeguarding the Hudson River by making a donation or shopping their Riverkeeper Swag.

Join the Castleton-on-Hudson Main Street Association and Riverkeeper for a clean-up event at Riverfront Park on Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 9am – Noon

Riverfront Park
2 South Main Street
Castleton, NY 12033
About this Event
Join the Castleton-on-Hudson Main Street Association and Riverkeeper for a park clean-up and brush removal event at Riverfront Park on Saturday, May 1, for the 10th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep, a day of service for the Hudson River and its tributaries.
Volunteers will meet at the paved area by Amtrak gates, next to 2 South Main Street, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY. We ask all Sweep volunteers to wear sturdy shoes or boots, clothing that they can get dirty, and to bring a hat, sunscreen, a full reusable water bottle, and a face mask, work gloves and hand sanitizer. This site is not suitable for elementary-aged children.
*IMPORTANT! To ensure the safety of volunteers, Sweep Site Leaders, park staff, and our communities, we ask that volunteers adhere to the following guidelines:
- Volunteers are required to pre-register for Sweep, and bring their own masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and water.
- All participants and Sweep Leaders must wear masks that fully cover both their nose and mouth, at all times, no exceptions.
- All volunteers must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet and wear masks at all times. When announcements are being made, a distance of 15 feet should be maintained.
- Volunteers should carpool only with members of their own household.
- Volunteers should not participate if they have ANY signs of illness or if they have potentially been exposed to COVID-19 within the previous two weeks.
Questions? Contact Riverkeeper at sweep@riverkeeper.org or site leader Suzanne Cecala at scecala@nycap.rr.com.
To support the Riverkeeper Sweep and Riverkeeper’s year-round work to protect and restore the Hudson River and its tributaries, please consider becoming a Riverkeeper member or renewing your Riverkeeper membership with a donation of any amount, or starting a fundraiser to encourage your friends and family to become Riverkeeper members. Learn more and donate at: https://give.classy.org/Sweep2021


Riverfront Park
What a wonderful day Riverkeeper Sweep on Saturday, October 17th was! COHMSA, supported by Village officials, staff and volunteers, helped clean up 225 lbs. of garbage from the banks of the Hudson River. We also removed a massive amount of scrub trees and overgrowth from Riverfront Park, unveiling this hidden treasure and revealing beautiful vistas of the River.
Riverkeeper, who organized this Sweep event in more than 65 sites along the Hudson from Brooklyn to the Capital Region said that with only half the sites reporting results, 27,801 lbs. of garbage was cleaned from the River. Thank you to everyone who helped maintain one of our most precious resources.
To learn more about the efforts of Riverkeeper in protecting the Hudson River visit: https://www.riverkeeper.org/

We would like to thank The Home Depot in Rensselaer and Country True Value Hardware & Rental for their generous donation of garbage bags and work gloves. We greatly appreciate your support!

NY members Tonko, Delgado & Maloney, request Amtrak work with state & local municipalities to promote & uphold Hudson River access
“Our Hudson River serves as an important cultural, economic and environmental boon for so many of our New York communities,” Congressman Tonko said. “Unfortunately, highways and railroads block access to much of our beautiful riverfront, leaving precious few locations for families to enjoy. I urge Amtrak to collaborate with municipalities and local organizations in order to ensure that New Yorkers do not lose out on this national treasure. We can work to ensure public safety without sacrificing access for our communities.”

Numerous state and local officials and organizations have expressed their support for the letter including:
Ned Sullivan, Scenic Hudson President
“When it comes to the Hudson River, the people of the Hudson Valley want to have access to it. It’s also a key goal of New York State’s Coastal Management Program. Working with Amtrak, we can find common sense, 21st century ways to reduce risk without losing already scarce river access. Thank you Representatives Tonko, Delgado and Maloney for recognizing that through collaboration we can solve problems in ways that meet the needs of all.”
Steve McLaughlin, Rensselaer County Executive
“Rensselaer County is a proponent of protecting and promoting public access to the Hudson River. We have enjoyed a long history of boating, fishing, birding and hiking in and along the river. The Hudson River plays an important role in our tourism industry, with recreational activities for visitors as well as its historical significance. We recognize that residents want more safe access points to the river throughout our county, and encourage efforts to strengthen connections between our residents and this majestic waterway,”
Bob Schmidt, Mayor, Village of Castleton-on-Hudson
“I would like to thank our Congressional Representatives for bringing the Village’s 25-year long dream of Hudson River access at Riverfront Park closer to reality.”
The press release from Congressman Paul D. Tonko’s office can be viewed here.