We hope the start of the new decade has brought you renewed energy and enthusiasm. The Castleton-on-Hudson Main Street Association (COHMSA) is excited for the future!
Coming this year:
COHFAM Spring Fest on Friday, March 13 at 4:30 to 7:30 pm – Come stop by our table at the Castleton Fire Department, visit https://www.facebook.com/COHFAM/ for more information.
First annual open meeting for membership and interested others – COMING SOON!
Spring Cleanup Day – volunteers greatly appreciated!
Fourth Annual Main Street Day
Fun Halloween Event at the Village Inn – Sunday, October 25
COHMSA received a grant for three dog waste stations. We gifted them to the Village and they’ve been installed on and near Main Street. Please use them to clean up after your dog.
The signal flags that hang from the nautical flagpole and spell WELCOME HOME will be raised again in April and flown throughout the spring, summer and early fall.
“Meet Me on Main” flower boxes are coming back!
We submitted an entry to the upcoming HGTV show, Home Town Takeover! We agreed with the other applicants that more is better. Cross your fingers, everyone! Please view our submission video on our You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZ6ih5wCDVfMT3p8oF_4vg
Membership: We would like to thank our members for their support. We are working on our email list to communicate better with you. If you haven’t received any emails from us in the past 6 months, please send your email address to: info@castletonmainstreet.org
Sponsors: We would like to welcome our 2020 sponsors: D’Lish Catering, Becker’s Farm, Flair for Hair, Maple Hill Trees, Sacred Heart Church VanDeWal Coating Company, and Schodack Podiatry. Thank you for supporting our efforts!
For information on becoming a member or sponsor, please visit our website.
Contact us: info@castletonmainstreet.org
Website: castletonmainstreet.org
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: COHMSA